
本地畫家Friendly Liu《My Birthday Exhibition》 Recap




本地畫家Friendly Liu出身於香港,她曾受到不少藝術家影響,由街頭創作一直伸延至不同領域,Friendly已先後多次與不同品牌及單位合作,今次來到位於上環太平山街的Rat’s Cave舉辦一個公開的生日派對。她的風格柔合了個人的風格與中國元素,透過不同的媒界向觀眾展示正面的訊息及以分享她對藝術的熱愛,這個生日派對將會展出Friendly多年來的藝術創作。是次生日派對公開邀請所有人出席慶祝一番。壽星女當天亦會出席,有空的朋友都歡迎前來祝賀順便認識一下這位Friendly小姐。
Have you ever tried to celebrate your birthday with your family, relatives, boyfriend or girlfriend, friends, former classmates, colleagues and some people you might have never met all together? Besides, also work on something that you love at the same time?

This year Friendly wants to do it. There is a birthday wish of her, she wants to share this great moment and her art and design with you at her birthday party. You are invited to “My Birthday Exhibition”.

Friendly Liu, born in Hong Kong 1983. Having many kind of influences, Friendly spreads her message via canvases, walls, graphics, photos, stickers or any kind of material to hand – but all have the same focus – bringing positive thinking to her audience, being original and creative, sharing her passion for art, love and culture to every corner of the world.

Designer? Writer? Art director? Event organizer? Painter? Illustrator? Or just a beggar……Who knows? She just can´t live without art.

開幕日期: 15/05/2011 (Sunday),7pm – 9:30pm

展覽日期: 15/05 – 15/06, 2011
地址:Rat’s Cave By Start From Zero
香港上環太平山街 18A-B 地下
G/F , 18A-B Tai Ping Shan Street Sheung Wan, Hong Kong,
FACEBOOK Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=217430594935690


