
Fotanian | 伙炭: 你睇我唔到 You don’t see me

日期: 2010年9月27日(星期一)至10月30日 (星期六)
地址: 沙田火炭華聯工業大廈A座地下G16
開放時間:星期二至日 13:00 – 18:00
彌漫在穿梭的人群裏,就算我在你眼前, 看不見了,這是可惜,還是可喜?
何淑美 林耀謙 羅懿靜 陸憓賢 蘇茵 黃向藝 ,六位2010年香港中文大學藝術文學士畢業生的聯展。

聯絡 : 67099165 Helen 96182646 Corn

“You don’t see me”
“You don’t see me” is an attitude of how most of us live with today.
It could be a personal enjoyment, or it could be a very melancholy feeling.?
You miss a lot when you don’t see something or someone.
Even when I am standing right in front of you, you don’t see me. So is that a bad or good thing?
With a variety of art forms, six artists tell us about their thoughts on the theme.
Corn Ho, Dennis Lam, Evelyn Ching, Luk Wai Yin, Helen So and Zephry Wong graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor Degree of Fine Arts in 2010.

27 September - 30 October, 2010
Address: G 16, G/F, Block A, Wan Lok Industral Building, FoTan
Open Hours: Tuesdays - Sundays, 13:00 – 18:00
Contact : 67099165 Helen 96182646 Corn

Fotanian | 伙炭

