
No.10 Nuit Blanche by Spy Films│2010 最佳十大影片

Nuit Blanche from Spy Films on Vimeo.

 Momentum Blog 所精選出來的 2010 最佳十大影片,由點閱人數、推廣次數、回應人數以及網友互動為基準所精選出來的。各片都很讚,其中Nuit Blanche最令我有感覺。其餘大家可以上 Momentum Blog 看。

No.01 “Iceland, Eyjafjallajökull” by Sean Stiegemeier
No.02 “Aurora Bolearis” by Tor Even Mathisen
No.03 “The Unseen Sea” by Simon Christen
No.04 “TimeScapes: Rapture” by Tom Lowe
No.05 “Dark Side of the Lens” by Astray Films
No.06 “Timelapse Montage” by Mike Flores
No.07 “The Sandpit” by Sam O’Hare
No.08 “HDR Video Demonstration” by Soviet Montage
No.09 “7D – 2000fps” by Oton Bačar
No.10 “Nuit Blanche” by Spy Films

