
星星相惜 — 劉野版畫作品及藏品展│Dialogue – Prints and Collections by Liu Ye

 信和集團「香港藝術」將呈獻此 展覽 ,展出享譽國際的中國當代藝術家劉野六幅版畫作品及其私人珍藏,包括中國當代藝術頂尖人物王廣義、方力鈞、隋建國、周春芽、楊少斌及魏東的版畫作品。 一個 展覽 中,觀眾就可同時看到中國當代藝術大師的作品。

星星相惜 — 劉野版畫作品及藏品展
17/5 – 13/7/2011
場地地址:中環廣場一樓大堂 - 香港灣仔港灣道18號

近年中國的藝術圈,冒起的藝術家數目如天上繁星,當中不少已在國際藝壇打響名堂,大放光芒,劉野就是其中一顆明星。 曾被評為「最炙手可熱的十位中國當代藝術家」之一的劉野,父親為兒童文學家,因此童年時期經常接觸到童話故事,對他日後以卡通形象描繪成年人心理的風格,有莫大關連。 他早年於德國柏林藝術學院畢業,回 北京 後跟人稱「中國當代藝術拍賣第一人」的吳爾鹿先生合作,以吳先生的脈絡及視野,沒多久便為劉野的藝術品開拓市場,為日後揚名海外奠定基石。 去年的香港國際藝術 ​​展,劉野發表作品《鄧麗君》,小小的一幅作品,旋即成為年度大型藝術展的焦點作品。

此次 展覽 在吳爾鹿先生的策劃下,劉野先生慷慨借出六幅版畫作品及其私人珍藏,作展出用途。 六幅版畫作品,除了膾炙人口的作品《鄧麗君》外,還有同係作品《莫扎特》。 另外,他特意為2008年 北京 奧運會創作的《奧林匹克女孩》,以及向現代主義大師蒙特瑞安(Piet Cornelies Mondrian)致敬的畫作《小女孩在紐約》,亦在此次 展覽 中展出。

為配合此次 展覽 及呼應作品《鄧麗君》及《莫扎特》,信和集團「香港藝術」特別邀請香港中樂團的演奏家於午飯時段,在中環廣場為觀眾演奏 音樂 奇才莫扎特的驚世樂章以及華人歌后鄧麗君的經典名曲。 觀眾除可細聽歷久常新的歌曲外,亦可藉此機會認識中國樂器。 第一場演奏會定於五月十八日舉行,第二場則於六月中旬舉行。 另外,主辦方亦特別舉辦專業導賞團,讓公眾多了解劉野的創作風格以及中國當代藝術的面貌。 有關演奏會及導賞團詳情將稍後公佈,敬請密切留意。

於2006年初創立「香港藝術」,旨在推動香港本地藝術發展,經常舉辦各類型 展覽 及藝術教育活動,把藝術融入生活。 集團於旗下物業開設公共藝廊,並成立策展團隊,為香港、中國內地以至國際的藝術家提供一個展示作品及與公眾交流的平台,令公眾有機會多加認識和欣賞他們在視覺藝術、小區藝術以及表演藝術方面的才華。 信和集團「香港藝術」榮獲香港藝術發展局頒發「2007香港藝術發展獎」之「藝術贊助獎」及「2008香港藝術發展獎」之「藝術贊助獎」與「藝術推廣獎」。

Dialogue – Prints and Collections by Liu Ye

by Central Plaza
Location: Central Plaza
Artist(s): LIU Ye, SUI Jianguo, FANG Lijun, ZHOU Chunya, WEI Dong, YANG Shaobin, WANG Guangyi 
Date: 17 May - 13 Jul 2011

Sino Group’s ‘Art in Hong Kong’ is delighted to present ‘Dialogue – Prints and Collections by Liu Ye’, which showcases a dozen of prints by eminent Chinese contemporary artist Liu Ye and his revered artist acquaintances including Wang Guangyi, Fang Lijun, Sui Jianguo, Zhou Chunya, Yang Shaobin and Wei Dong.

For the past 2 to 3 decades, Chinese contemporary art has become an international phenomenon. Born and bred in Beijing, Liu Ye is one of the internationally acclaimed artists who was also hailed as ‘10 most influential Chinese contemporary artists’. Thanks to Liu’s father, who is a writer of children literature, Liu’s childhood was filled with fairytales. With a solid training in both art and design, Liu has developed a unique painting style depicting a childlike world, in which cartoon-like characters are employed to narrate the stories of adult world. 

Liu graduated from Hochschule der Kunst in Berlin. After graduation, he returned to Beijing and collaborated with Mr. Lawrence Wu, who was hailed as ‘the first man to bring Chinese contemporary arts into auction house’. This collaboration was proven to be successful as it opened up the international art market for Liu Ye, who has thereafter made frequent appearances in many international art fairs and auctions. For example, Liu‘s work ‘Teresa Teng’ gained overwhelming popularity in Art HK 10. 

Liu is also an acquaintance of many eminent Chinese contemporary artists, such as Wang Guangyi, Fang Lijun, Zhou Chunya, Yang Shaobin, Sui Jianguo and Wei Dong, who collected and exchanged prints of distinguished works by their counterparts. Together with Liu’s artworks, this exhibition showcases one work from each of the six artists which is currently in Mr. Liu’s collection, forming a variety of Chinese contemporary art which are stylistically different yet similarly inspiring. We aim to bring our audience the vitality of the contemporary art scene in China as well as the prolific creativity of these Chinese avant-garde artists.

To complement the exhibition, musicians from the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra are invited to perform the masterpieces by Mozart and Teresa Teng during the exhibition period. The first concert will be held on 18 May and the second one will be around mid June. To enhance the understanding of Chinese contemporary art, guided tours will be held for the public during the exhibition period. 

‘Dialogue – Prints and Collections by Liu Ye’ Opening Concert 
Date: 18 / 5 / 2011 (Wed)
Time: 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Venue: 1/F Lobby, Central Plaza

via chieng

